Megan Young, MSW, LCSW [email protected] 469-730-6650

What's the Point (of therapy)?

Counseling and mental health are stigmatized in this society, but the good news is there is a rise in acceptance; however, the other side of the coin is do we really need that acceptance?  The short answer is no, your journey is yours and yours alone.  You might share the journey with your therapist or other supportive people, but it is not their journey.  As a counselor, I might bring various interventions to the session, but if my client has something to discuss then that is the focus.  

So, what is the point of therapy?  The point is different for everyone.  The ultimate goal is to improve your life and better yourself. I believe this is done by talking about and processing through difficult experiences.  Some people have a specific diagnosis, such as major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder, or post traumatic stress disorder, while others have a specific problem they need to work through.  It is also important to understand there is no easy solution and therapy is hard work.  People who have been struggling with an issue for a long time will have many layers, and people with longstanding concerns have likely been exposed to trauma at some point in their life.   

Many people feel nervous about counseling for the first time, but here is what you can expect: the therapist meets with you at the initial session to understand the problem, gather historical information, and create a collaborative plan to work meet your personal goals.  The therapist will probably discuss their professional experience and therapeutic style.  There are a variety of different interventions to help someone meet their goals, and not every therapist will be a good fit to help you with a problem.  All therapists are unique in their personal and professional development.  

Talking to a random stranger about problems you have kept pushed down can create anxiety; especially if you do not trust easily, and that is OK! Many therapists, myself included work from a client centered approach, which allows the client to take the lead in the counseling session, while also providing unconditional positive regard and should strive to remain judgment free space in order to create a safe place. 

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9:00 am-5:00 pm


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9:00 am-7:00 pm


9:00 am-7:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm





Megan Young, MSW, LCSW is a trauma-informed counselor serving the Rockwall-Heath and surrounding communities.